ACUST3A.ZIP 213,915 10-30-94 ACCUSET v3.0a - System Clock EnhancementUtility for Windows. Accurately synchronizeyour PC clock with either of the USNO/NIST/Italy/Austria/Sweden/Australia/UK/Canadaatomic clocks. Determines the PC clock's
accuracy & can compensate for error rate;Digital/text interface; Auto-modem detectionAuto DST support; Call logging; manual timeediting; International date/time support &MUCH MORE! ONLY $10! [Req. VBRUN300.DLL]
CCLNK11A.ZIP 43,517 10-13-94 CCLINK and CCLINKjr are Windows-compatiblecommunication programs that allow users tomonitor their serial and parallel ports bydisplaying lighted LEDs on the desktop.Perfect for internal modem users! CCLINK even
allows you to talk to your modem. V1.1a.
FONEW316.ZIP 111,043 09-29-94 DiaLog for Windows v3.16: phone dialer,logger, stopwatch, special touch toneservice, 2 address books, print envelopes,create help files and more; requiresVBRUN300.DLL; 09/29/94; Wolfgang John.
GTW32_01.ZIP 451,775 11-07-94 New Alpha test comm program for windows fromthe GT Power author - Paul Meiners.
IDFON13.ZIP 658,090 11-12-94 IdentaFone 1.3: Caller ID software for:Supra, Practical Peripherals, Vive Synergiesplus any Rockwell based CID modem. Database,Dialer, Logs and times incoming/outgoingcalls and large popup of caller name.
Incoming number triggers applicationlauncher. Works with single and multiplemessage service in US and Canada. RequiresWin3.1, Caller ID service and Vbrun300.dll.
LBBW30.ZIP 754,482 12-07-94 LITTLE BLACK BOOK 3.0 Address book /auto-dialer with reporting. Stores names,addresses, and phone numbers along with about64K of notes per entry. Search on any field(wildcards too), bring up your entry and
click to dial the number. (Modem required fordialing). Print and Print Preview allrecords. Requires VBRUN300.
MODSTA14.ZIP 81,088 09-11-94 MODEMSTA v1.4 - Modem status iconic indicatorfor Windows using 3D animated icon! A VERYuseful utility for all Windows communication.
RFD1.ZIP 355,869 09-11-94 Windows application which acts as an easy-touse graphical front-end to many dialup emailservices. Compuserve, DELPHI, GEnie, MCIMail, World Unix, The Direct Connection andmay Internet info service are directly
supported, write your own script for others,such as BBS's. Excellent features andgraphics.
RFDML123.ZIP 818,631 09-12-94 windows file. Sent to ExecNet via FTP by DanOconnell!
RIPTERM.PIF 0,545 09-12-94 PIF file for running ripterm under Windows.
TERM11.ZIP 43,721 11-08-94 TERM for PCL4W v1.1 by MarshallSoft ComputingExample of a Windows terminal programm withstate driven XMODEM & YMODEM. Requires PCL4Wcommunications library PCL4W11.ZIP <ASP>
WDCE30A.ZIP 1055,689 10-16-94 WinDial Corporate Edition 3.0: Disk 1 of 2Windows 3.1 phone book, dialer, data base,notes, etc.,Network support, language sup-port,WLL,background search, alphabet but-tons,custom field names,clipboard dialing,
DDE,improved import, etc.Can accommodate verylarge number of records.Great for companyinternal phone listings,customer phonelistings.The Ultimate Rolodex! Shareware.DameWare Development
WDCE30B.ZIP 1146,704 10-16-94 WinDial Corporate Edition 3.0: Disk 2 of 2Windows 3.1 phone book, dialer, data base,notes, etc.,Network support, language sup-port,WLL,background search, alphabet but-tons,custom field names,clipboard dialing,
DDE,improved import, etc.Can accommodate verylarge number of records.Great for companyinternal phone listings,customer phonelistings.The Ultimate Rolodex! Shareware.DameWare Development
WFXAUTO.ZIP 16,846 09-13-94 WFXAUTO eliminates COMM port conflictsbetween WINFAX and all your comm programs.WFXAUTO disables Winfax auto receive,launches your app, waits until it is finishedthen re-enables auto receive. <Requires
VBRUN300.DLL> Shareware.
WFXRCV11.ZIP 112,092 10-31-94 WFXRCV v1.1: WinFAX auto receive controllerthat was developed to automatically disable/enable WinFAX's automatic receive featurewhen using other pgms that access the sameserial port as WinFAX; 10/31/94; Dendronic
Decisions Limited.
WNCODE26.ZIP 279,102 10-31-94 Windows program which converts 8-bit BINARYfiles to 7-bit ASCII files through a processknown as bit-shifting. Supports UU/XX andBase64 coding. Send/receive binary files viae-mail/ascii-based systems.
WSIRC14B.ZIP 583,560 09-13-94 WinSocket IRC client V1.4b (update to 1.4a)Internet Relay Chat via Windows and Winsock.Current as of 11/20/94: other wsirc versionsreport "evaluation period used up" by thisdate. Shareware.